She found him staring into the open refrigerator.
She could feel the chill of his body, hitting her like an open refrigerator.
In the kitchen, Dortmunder stood in front of the open refrigerator, thinking.
The cold air hit his lungs like the blast from an open refrigerator.
He stepped to the kitchen doorway and saw his aunt frowning into the open refrigerator.
Her roommate stood in front of the open refrigerator and stared at its meager contents.
He wakes up on his kitchen floor, having passed out in front of an open refrigerator.
Even with one poised in front of his open refrigerator, the heat keeps him up at night.
He found himself in front of the open refrigerator, staring at four bottles of beer.
No dallying in front of the open refrigerator to decide what to eat.