As the creature stalked toward the open sarcophagus, a low clicking sound reverberated deep within its throat.
Belzoni had hopes of finding an intact burial, however, the chamber was empty except for an open sarcophagus and its broken lid on the floor.
Near it was a long altar, built so low that they could look down into the open sarcophagus.
They moved forward slowly, the bitter taste of disappointment mingling with the dust upon their tongues, until they could look down into the open sarcophagus.
Haider gazed in awe at the open sarcophagus for a moment, then ran a hand over the lid's smooth surface.
I was sitting up in an open sarcophagus.
She bangs on the side of the open sarcophagus again, uncertain of whether Mick is alive or had been vaporized by the neon blue light.
It stands, rising out of the open sarcophagus as if floating, its features enveloped within the alien light.
Gray turned his attention to the open sarcophagus.
Instead, an open sarcophagus sits by the front door.