It frequents dry open scrub, fallow land and cultivation, sometimes near water.
In open scrub and grassland, will sing from stem-tops.
It is found commonly in open scrub, agricultural areas, forests as well as urban gardens.
They are found in thickets, on the forest floor and open scrub.
But I decided the open scrub couldn't conceal anything too dangerous, so I did get out, and made my breakfast.
The eastern side of the yard is surrounded by flood gums while open scrub is found to the west.
It is usually seen in open scrub and grassland habitats.
The plant is found in woods, open scrub, and grassland including on chalk.
Grasses then begin to colonise the ground and after 10 years, and the appearance gradually turns to one of open scrub (above right).
It grows in open scrub and coastal dunes.