It is finally scheduled to open theatrically in India on March 9.
The film opened theatrically in 5 cities on November 14, 2008.
His first film, Standing by Yourself, opened theatrically in 2002.
The film opened theatrically in the US on April 12, 2013.
It will open theatrically in the United States in the spring of 2013.
Days of Heaven opened theatrically on September 13, 1978.
It was to have been the first local documentary to open theatrically in Malaysia.
The film, produced in the summer of 1951 while the radio show was on hiatu, opened theatrically on February 23, 1952.
Daredevil opened theatrically on February 14, 2003, on 3,471 screens.
Most of the movies the festival shows have been seen elsewhere, and will open theatrically (at least in New York) before too long.