Though Pinnock was probably most widely known as a proponent of open theism, he contributed to many other areas of theology as well.
Sanders is best known for his promotion of open theism but he has also written in defense of inclusivism.
His publications on both open theism and the destiny of the unevangelized were well received in some evangelical circles.
In it, he argues against God being omnipotent but as learning and developing as history progresses, a form of open theism.
We must humbly acknowledge that there's a great deal of mystery involved, but for those aware of the discussion, I am not advocating open theism.
He is a leading proponent of "open theism", a term he invented, which describes a controversial understanding of God.
In modern times, some more abstract concepts have been developed, such as process theology and open theism.
He is well known as a leading advocate of open theism.
Boyd is also known as one of the leading supporters of open theism, which he explores in the book God of the Possible (2000).
His writings have played a major part in the development of process theology and open theism.