In the early morning of May 18, police manning barricades were replaced by army paratroopers who opened fire with machine guns.
The patrol opened fire on them with machine guns and hand grenades.
It then moved off and opened fire with machine guns on the lifeboats.
Iranian officials, however, said the police opened fire on them with machine guns and other weapons.
"When they reached the cemetery the Indonesians opened fire on them with machine guns," he said.
The gunmen opened fire on Rao with machine guns and shotguns.
The British ordered troops to open fire with machine guns on the unarmed crowd, killing an estimated 200-250.
Before he could turn and look, they opened fire with machine guns, and left his dead body there on the street.
A mine is detonated against their barracks and fire is opened with machine guns.
At that point, the British ordered troops to open fire with machine guns on the unarmed crowd.