Both have typical Cunningham open-ended structures that in a work like "Doubletoss," for all its luminous beauty, can also lead to unnecessary length.
Though normally coveted, the "open-ended structure and sequential movement of the sequence offer no logical stopping place".
His piece for BAM, with its deliberately open-ended structure, is also a source of anxiety.
They provide an open-ended structure which can accommodate the students' own negotiated programmes of activities.
They should be open-ended structures that offer a research programme.
As a whole, the ballet suffers from its deliberately open-ended structure.
The game features an open-ended structure that presents the player with multiple ways to progress through the game, all at the player's own pace.
Euro-Trance - Has a more open-ended structure compared to the tightly knit vocals and melodies of "classic" Eurodance.
The game has a fairly open-ended structure, allowing the player to approach every objective in multiple different ways.
But what makes the Sims world so compelling is its open-ended structure, which allows players to make real-life choices.