Yitzhak Tyler, the chief of undercover activities for the Haifa police, is a big, open-faced man who doesn't mince words.
Lynch himself report similar incidences: "Pursuing our way, we meet an Armenian priest-a young, broad-shouldered, open-faced man.
He was such a good-looking man, so strong-faced, so open-faced and cheerful, yet at that moment he was troubled.
He moved closer and regarded himself, an open-faced young man hi his nineteenth year.
"Nothing," a short, open-faced man of about thirty-five with a cast in one eye, whom Robert Jordan had not seen before, answered.
Catter studied the tall, open-faced man opposite him.
Garion felt very close to this open-faced young man.
Could I sit opposite this open-faced man, with his pink cheeks and his warm brown eyes . . . and say, 'Loneliness'?
He liked the look of him, a big, open-faced man in a white coat, a man with a modest, well-bred air, and obviously a sailor.
Ramon was a small, open-faced man with an easy smile, his white teeth dazzling against his dark complexion.