He was willing to work with the Mahdists, Britain's former enemies, and this open-minded attitude put an end to his career.
It's a sign of Indonesia's tolerant and open-minded attitude to other religions and cultures.
What sets him apart is a very open-minded attitude which seems to have borne fruit in the shape of some seriously great ideas.
Carried by this open-minded attitude, Architecture-Studio's team has progressively grown.
"That's a very open-minded attitude for someone who spent his first year on the Enterprise chin-deep in astrophysics texts."
"Dialogue creates an open-minded attitude and an openness to being wrong and to change, to listen to the other side," she said.
We must have a truthful and open-minded attitude both to opportunities and difficulties.
I should also like to thank him for his open-minded attitude to our positions, suggestions and proposed amendments.
I would thank the rapporteur for his valuable cooperation and open-minded attitude.
That's a refreshingly open-minded attitude from the leader of a global technology powerhouse.