Robert Orth's Figaro rescued one's confidence in the performance with his famous opening announcement, "Largo al factotum."
The people always call and say, I know Joey Kola, can I get to do the opening announcement?
An opening announcement reassures viewers that all the animals were treated humanely; that sounds admirable, until you see what some of the humans are like.
Near the exit of the theatre, one can see the original opening announcement from The Journal Herald, printed on April 8, 1916.
When the parade rolls through the Village tonight, a quarter of a century later, its opening announcement, "Let the Celebration Begin!"
When transmission would begin for the night, the opening announcement would be as follows:
After the minister of tourism's flamboyant opening announcement, the music started up.
My name comes first on the opening announcement.
Often, the opening announcements are in this order: coming soon, now open, and then grand opening.