During the opening festivities a newly developed sword art, called hankumdo, was demonstrated to the public.
But even before the opening festivities were over, two installations had been shut down precisely because of their locations.
The performance was part of the opening festivities for the Kennedy Center.
Actually, there will be public "test" performances all fall, but the opening festivities will still be something special.
(As one art world denizen, fresh from the museum's opening festivities, said, "Only someone who never threw anything away could have a museum like this.")
"We've made our peace with Elfreth's Alley," he said as the grand opening festivities swirled around him.
Lord Stanley participated in its formal opening festivities on February 1, 1889 with a fancy dress carnival.
Tonight was the opening festivity: a state dinner, the first of the Bacco administration.
This week, however, her focus is on getting her house ready for its opening festivities - the first official party will be held on April 24.
On the other hand, politicians can distance themselves from the opening festivities.