He was not at all happy when South ruffed the opening heart lead.
East won the opening heart lead with the ace, collecting South's queen.
She won the opening heart lead with the king and led a club to the king.
After an opening heart lead, South won in the dummy and could see little hope.
He held up on the opening heart lead, won the continuation and led to the club king.
The opening heart lead was won in dummy, and the club jack led.
Seeing them, one should still choose to play six clubs with an opening heart lead.
He ruffed the opening heart lead and led the club king.
If East wins an opening heart lead, he could shift to the diamond five.
An opening heart lead was ducked to the king, and East shifted to a club.
He was not at all happy when South ruffed the opening heart lead.
East won the opening heart lead with the ace, collecting South's queen.
She won the opening heart lead with the king and led a club to the king.
After an opening heart lead, South won in the dummy and could see little hope.
He held up on the opening heart lead, won the continuation and led to the club king.
The opening heart lead was won in dummy, and the club jack led.
Seeing them, one should still choose to play six clubs with an opening heart lead.
He ruffed the opening heart lead and led the club king.
If East wins an opening heart lead, he could shift to the diamond five.
An opening heart lead was ducked to the king, and East shifted to a club.