Vladivostok's opening has meant a surge in secondhand used cars from Japan, but virtually no foreign investment.
The opening of a new purification plant in Highlands last month means more clammers can reduce the process to one harvest.
The opening of the new plant meant a lot of new jobs, which was a big deal and something worth celebrating.
The opening of a window on America could mean as much to mutual understanding as the closing of an arms deal.
"A smooth opening does not mean we have solved all of our problems."
Between the barriers was an opening meant to represent a gate to the stairway painted on the backdrop.
This year's delayed opening of New York City schools means extra work for administrators, teachers and students.
Oh, Lord, did she even know what an opening "two diamonds" meant?
Now there are many who say that the opening of negotiations of course means that everything can be monitored much better.
In fact, the opening of the wall and the end of so many restrictions mean that I can have it both ways, to some extent.