For this reason, prior to playing the opening measures, McMahon called Konstantine "a song for the people".
Ms. Ninomiya lit into the opening measures, digging deeply into the strings and producing a sense of urgency.
Already in the stormy opening measures, Midori seems transformed.
We hear, for instance, the amazing opening measures of the Sixth Symphony's finale.
At each side of the rough opening measure from the floor to the height at which the instructions specify the header has to be installed.
The knowledge seemed to signal the opening measure of a long, dark opera of dread.
The opening measures are particularly intricate, and their execution sounded very much like musicians fending for themselves and holding on for dear life.
The G minor Ballade has astonishing originality and force, but its opening measures send me screaming from the room.
The next morning, the Italian sat up and asked for broth and soon afterward was heard to whistle the opening measures of his constant tuneless tune.
His phrasing of the finale's opening measures was improvisatory, yet decisive - more Beethovenian paradoxes resolved.