It was the first time Google has openly backed a content company by taking an equity stake.
The main opposition party, the Democratic Progressives, openly backed independence, and lost support.
Mr. Giuliani, usually a vocal supporter of police officers, never openly backed him.
By late autumn, it was openly backing Serb nationalists.
Not a single Arab state that supported the gulf war, including Kuwait, has openly backed this raid.
The Clinton emphasis on trade is a vast improvement over the policies of past Administrations, which often openly backed dictatorship and military rule.
This was the first time that a powerful Hong Kong organization had openly backed the Chinese side in the dispute.
Egypt itself openly backed a second term for Mr. Boutros-Ghali.
Even the Roman Catholic bishops openly backed the anti-Somoza movement in its final phases.
The US government, which had supported General Noriega in his ascent to power, openly backed the opposition.