He openly derided a national reconciliation plan announced earlier this year that included a limited amnesty for some Iraqis, saying the plan was soft on insurgents.
Sato distrusted Mutaguchi's motives, and Yanagita openly derided his abrasive superior as a "blockhead."
Hypocritically, he openly derides Willie's lack of employment.
Christian openly derides Matt for this and tells him to get a real job.
Now Mr. Bush's advisers are openly deriding what they call "Rubinomics."
By the spring of 1998, many Jordanians were openly deriding the treaty with Israel as "the King's peace," arguing that the agreement had brought them no tangible gain.
Immediately after publication, the work and its author were denounced by both secular and religious authorities, because the book openly derides government and church alike.
And not in the minds of the top American officials who read the C.I.A.'s take and openly deride its quality, utility and revelance.
All Mutaguchi's divisional commanders disagreed with the plan to some extent, and Yanagida openly derided him as an "imbecile".
The assent to the bench meant a sharp financial loss, to $39,500 from an estimated yearly salary of $200,000, something that Mr. Fortas openly derided.