Judge Hoffman became the favorite courtroom target of the Chicago Seven defendants, who often openly insulted the judge.
In July 1844 Kotiro, a former slave of Heke, openly insulted the Ngāpuhi chief.
Kotiro had been captured from a southern tribe 15 years earlier, and was now living with her English husband, the town butcher, in Kororareka openly insulted the Ngāpuhi chief.
Now a gigantic size, Alice feels free to speak her mind and in doing so she openly insults the Queen.
After an altercation at a ball in the King's Rooms, Southsea, Hawkey openly insulted Seton and he felt obliged to issue a formal challenge to a duel.
Wotton's position was now precarious, and in August Arrans ally, Sir William Stewart openly insulted him in the king's presence.
Many resigned their offices and their wives openly insulted Ellen.
He openly insults Raj and tells him to leave the house and never come back.
Not that he openly insulted me as such a man thinks of insult.
The normally polite Bernini openly insulted the husband, which led Pope Urban VIII to intervene before anyone was killed.