It has meant opening the season by openly predicting he will win another triple crown.
Reviews in Washington followed suit, and by late last week several Broadway landlords were openly predicting that the show would not land in New York.
Still, analysts began to refer to him as a "dead man walking" over the last year and openly predicted that he would not last through the end of 2007.
Many of them openly predicted a split in the party, and the election of Republican front-runner William H. Seward.
Salvadoran officials openly predict that the insurgency will be the next casualty of the decline of the Soviet bloc.
Antismok-ing groups openly predicted the bankruptcy and eventual demise of the tobacco companies.
Surely you know the sound of this showbiz language, with its steady rhythm of quips and counterquips, of jokes that openly predict their punch lines.
This led many, even some on the "Yes" side, to predict openly that France would reject the Constitution.
Many Republican leaders openly predicted it would ruin the economy.
Atthat point I openly predicted that they would be huge.