In fact, Scott has seen the bird quite a lot, so much so that she is openly scorned by other birders.
In the past, Mr. Gingrich has openly scorned the go-along-get-along style of Mr. Michel's leadership as a sure way to maintain the Democratic hegemony of the House.
Some he has scorned openly.
At first some of the Delawares and the Shawnee braves, who had failed to win Myeerah's love, had openly scorned her for her love for the pale face.
He was openly scorned by editors of more daring publications, and he sometimes used his lofty position to attack colleagues who strayed from the party line.
But once openly scorned, she turned tough.
Mr. Sergeyev is openly scorned by Government economists - Mr. Shatalin, the Cabinet economist, described him in an interview as "an economic illiterate" - but his views are considered influential on at least two members of Mr. Gorbachev's Cabinet.
They forget that all too recently even Mormons were thought to be following a false prophet and Roman Catholics were openly scorned for betraying American interests to the Pope's.
Akechi Jinsai had openly scorned Nakamura, his rival for Goroda's favor, the main reason why Nakamura had delighted in smashing him.