It was an attempt to establish that the President and his aides could operate abroad without being accountable to anyone.
Staging attacks against American targets in any of those places could bring a backlash, making it more difficult to operate abroad.
Nafta was an oil distribution chain owned by the Soviet Union but operating abroad.
He erased a small tax break for financial institutions operating abroad, which is hardly likely to trigger a popular rebellion.
American companies operating abroad do not have to comply with the civil rights law forbidding discrimination on the job, a Federal appeals court ruled today.
Conversely, most of the 100 largest UK companies also operate abroad.
Foreign governments and American organizations that operate abroad can still get the aid.
The significant differences between the legal systems of Member States often force companies that want to begin operating abroad into very costly processes.
At the same time, these agreements serve as a valuable source of legal protection for European investors operating abroad.
Companies are forced to double their capital in relation to domestic requirements when operating abroad.