Established in 1995, it consists of over 1,000 square meters of operating rooms, ambulances, inpatient rooms and spa.
TransCare operates ambulances staffed by emergency medical technicians (EMTs) and paramedics.
Such a plan would force E.M.S. to bid for contracts against private companies or hospitals that operate ambulances.
Since 2009 Mahdloo Mehdi has been an active member of the Italian Red Cross which operates rescue teams and ambulances alongside the Italian emergency services.
Before World War II, the PCK operated ambulances for the Polish Army, in order to save Army's budget.
His father retired as an administrator in Syracuse with the repair and transfer departments of Laidlaw, a Canadian company that operates buses and ambulances.
Charities or non-profit companies operate ambulances, both in an emergency and patient transport function.
Rangers operate ambulances and respond to medical incidents ranging from bumps and bruises to heart attacks and major trauma.
Alamo operated ambulances staffed by emergency medical technicians (EMTs) and paramedics.
Half of the departments also operate ambulances.