The company name has been resurrected in recent years by various operators and horse drawn coaches still operate at various locations throughout Australia.
Tri-State was created 12 years ago to coordinate fund raising at companies that operated at several locations in the region.
Caplan's began as a small dry goods shop in 1897, and operated over time at various locations throughout Ottawa.
Specialized bike rental shops thus typically operate at beaches, parks, or other locations that tourists frequent.
Scott & White operates more than 60 primary, specialty and urgent care clinics at locations throughout Central Texas.
The command comprises more than 23,000 professionals operating at various locations around the globe.
It operates distribution centres in the United Kingdom at locations on the motorway and railway network.
The university also operates at several more remote locations (see below).
The plateau basalt Mountains Ramus is operated at several locations on the town.
Now operating six factories at different locations around the country.