Clearly, the reactors here were operating flawlessly, too.
Outside, the concession stand selling Mandy Patinkin T-shirts and CD's appeared to be operating flawlessly.
In October 2005, Topaz was inspected and found to be in immaculate condition, her steam turbines engines operated flawlessly.
"The equipment is operating flawlessly and I can't believe that Lund made any errors all those months ago."
Reactor operators say these will operate flawlessly for decades.
Our equipment was operating flawlessly.
Galileo operated flawlessly nearly 900,000 miles from Earth on Sunday, the space agency said.
Whole Foods may have to operate flawlessly to justify its lofty price-to-earnings ratio, now at 32.
This also allows systems on which JavaScript is disabled for security concerns to continue to operate flawlessly.
The kitchen-to-dining-room dumbwaiter operates flawlessly, although the ropes were replaced.