Both treatment plants operated satisfactorily four years after they had been completed.
Most office-workers have reported for work as usual, and public transport has been operating satisfactorily.
Adjust the springs if the door does not operate satisfactorily, even after lubrication and other maintenance.
We will check that they have their own internal quality monitoring systems and that these operate satisfactorily.
This, if it operates satisfactorily, should prove a very nice boat.
Shippers in particular say that the existing regulation is operating satisfactorily.
Because it is extremely rare for environmental costs to be factored into the prices, the market does not, however, operate satisfactorily.
Wait until we have implemented a policy which is operating satisfactorily.
The black list for agricultural expenditure is not yet operating satisfactorily.
Check that this equipment is operating satisfactorily before you leave the ground.