Later in 2011, the street vendors stationed in Tavern on the Green's courtyard were given notice that their operating contracts wouldn't be renewed.
Marriott will operate Edgehill under an operating contract.
November 2005 - ETD ends its operating contract and begins direct operation of all services.
The current operating contract expires in July 2013.
Under a so-called sale-manageback arrangement, Sunrise has a long-term operating contract as well as a 10 percent interest in the properties.
In 1992, British Gas and Agip of Italy won the operating contract.
The new operating contract was approved by the full Joint Powers Board at its scheduled September 1 meeting.
The cable-modem plan is part of the company's operating contract with the city, but Cablevision says it will go well beyond that contract.
In 1984 the operating contract was assumed by Martin Marietta Energy Systems.
In late 2011 the operating contract for these vessels was taken over Briggs Marine of Burntisland.