Staff costs at £631,681 amount to 36% of total operating expenditure.
At the time of the report operating expenditure is around five times as much as revenue gained through ticket sales.
It needs a lower capital investment and lower operating expenditure as it is completely static.
But the gains in overall operating expenditures were minimal.
Over the last five years, the overall operating expenditures for men's programs grew by 139 percent compared with 89 percent for women's programs.
Membership fees are determined by the applicant's annual operating expenditure.
Membership fees are determined by the applicant's annual operating expenditure and are less than those of Full members.
I'm talking about basic portfolios, not annual operating expenditures; they fluctuate with economic conditions.
That may cost up to 10 % of the operating expenditure.
Reserves in 1986/87 were £2.8m, or five months' operating expenditure.