At the high point of the war, Lorenz had about 24,000 workers in 12 operating facilities.
Ideally, holding patient and surgeon preferences constant, an operating facility can identify cases and appropriately place them into predetermined time slots, or blocks.
Also in 1961, a major fire affected eighty percent of the operating facilities of the network.
The Shreveport refinery is the largest operating facility in northwest Louisiana.
The sum of the technical demand and nontechnical demand loads of an operating facility.
All but one of the eight operating facilities are just that.
Projected to be the largest such operating facility in the world, it was built to support research in biology and medicine as well as physics.
Often the engineers have pilot plant data available or data from full-scale operating facilities.
Its chairman Mel Braham said the company had neither the resources, the surgeons, nor the operating facilities needed to do the surgery.
Costs of surgery include not only the surgeon's fee but fees for the operating facility, the anesthesiologist, medicines, splints, packing, and other services and materials.