Weaver's father had declared to the operating surgeon "My son is an artist.
He advised those with worries to contact their operating surgeon, or failing that their GP.
Petitioner was advised by the operating surgeon that his wife suffered from cancer of the throat, a condition which was fatal in many cases.
One was to institute a plan that requires an operating surgeon and a senior nurse to document a review of patient records before surgery.
It is also affected by the experience of the operating surgeon: the learning curve for laparoscopic bariatric surgery is estimated to be about 100 cases.
Also, the hospital now requires an operating surgeon and senior nurse to document that all patient records have been reviewed before surgery.
He had a wide knowledge of surgical pathology and was a skillful operating surgeon.
Information on the arterial anatomy is helpful for the operating surgeon and may eliminate some patients from consideration for resection.
At the Derbyshire Royal Infirmary, he built up a reputation as an operating surgeon, where he was active in promoting plans for new building work.
Again, these lenses can rotate inside the eye postoperatively, or be placed incorrectly by the operating surgeon.