The station's primary operations also moved to a brand new studio in Winter Park in 1991, located on Wymore Road, alongside Interstate 4.
The Group is a producer of vegetable parchment and has parchmentizing and converting operations located in West Carrollton, Ohio, USA.
Allscripts was founded in 1986 and is headquartered in Chicago, Illinois, with key operations also located in Raleigh, North Carolina.
A related term is agricultural urbanism, refers to agricultural operations located in proximity to and integrated with urban areas.
It was an offshoot of the Coats Steam Car, with its operations located in Columbus and Bowling Green, Ohio; only a pilot model was completed.
There are no major industrial operations located in the town or county.
The majority of Brink's consolidated revenues in 2012 was earned in operations located in 9 countries, each contributing in excess of $100 million of revenues.
Alumina refineries located in the Ukraine, Kazakhstan and Azerbaijan with their total annual capacity of 2.5 million Mt became foreign operations located in the independent countries.
With Liebenstein's assistance, Spiegel opened J. Spiegel and Company, a small home furnishings retail operation located on Wabash Avenue in Chicago's loop.
Nyrstar has mining, smelting, and other operations located in Europe, the Americas, China and Australia.