These four operations were detected by classical rhetoric, and still serve to encompass the various figures of speech.
The overall operation had been going on for months, attracting modest media attention and serving as a mild irritant to the army.
The nearly year-round operation (closed in January) serves northern Italian food.
Such an operation would have served to isolate remaining Norwegian forces, cut them off from supply by sea, and quite possibly force their surrender.
This vast operation tided the city through the war and served as a base for a healthy economy in the postwar period.
This operation served not only local mines, but operations throughout the then Arizona Territory.
Sustained operations to serve the financial needs in different industries around the globe.
In a sense, the operation also served as a means of colonizing the region.
Our operation will merely serve to keep road accident statistics at a steady level.
Secondly, he argues, the operation does not serve Washington's vital interests.