This operation system has had many changes since it was first created.
Because of fast technical research, mobile phones and operation systems made very large improvement quickly.
So, scientists have been at work to understand the human operation system and try to simulate its functionalities.
The challenging part is to compute the average power P for each individual routine of operation system.
This ship, once filled with computerized systems, now had only a manual operation system.
Also to be replaced are the propulsion and automatic operation systems which currently use technology last updated in the early 1980s.
Produce a smart phone and make it run whatever operation system the owner wants.
The Library's operation system appears to be connected to the mind of a young girl living in a 21st century household.
Because of hard timing requirements on the C64 side, those are unfortunately not applicable to laptops or multitasking operation systems.
There are different approaches to remote access to an operation system, which sometimes also referred to as remote administration.