As such, Freedom Air has no aircraft or current Air Operators Certificate, and Freedom Air is no longer an operational entity.
The TFOS is an operational and coordinating entity.
Its operational entity was established as European Payment System Services (EPSS).
This administrative and operational entity was first created by the Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP) in 2003.
The NwHIN, as an operational entity, is moving from public (ONC-backed) operations, to a non-profit public-private structure.
Even more important is the hierarchy among these three operational entities of policy and their relationship to Mr. Gorbachev's higher objectives.
Congress is simply not constituted to act as an operational entity; moreover, the Commander in Chief has a clear responsibility to protect military forces in a hostile environment.
Governance model The organizational structure, roles, and process description of the operational entity the will manage the initiatives in a digital strategy.
Each battalion is a distinct operational entity in the Canadian Forces' order of battle.
The end of the Project as an operational entity hit its members hard.