The association, founded in 1947 primarily to counteract the dominance of the Red Cross, acts sets uniform operational guidelines for its independent members.
Written statements of operational guidelines are also helpful to inform prospective new members of what is expected of them.
A simple operational guideline of has been suggested.
The President authorizes the judicious use of military force in accord with established operational guidelines to protect our citizens,' et cetera.
You're all used to sticking to certain operational guidelines.
In response to these criticisms, the Home Office introduced in January 1983 a new set of operational guidelines.
This way, operational guidelines play an important part in setting levels of performance and general paths for proper implementations by manufacturers and software developers.
He also said that he would not undertake to follow best practice while it differs from the operational guidelines.
This is a text that gives the Commission a high degree of flexibility because it does not contain political or operational guidelines.
There was a need for operational guidelines for slaughtermen.