Yes, Mr. Crandall conceded, such sharing of planes could create a logistical and operational nightmare.
The AGR series proved a construction and operational nightmare.
To the Editor: It is difficult to appreciate the cost and operational nightmares of dealing with the "bottle law" unless one confronts it daily - as grocers do.
Such a vast and formidable region is a logistic and operational nightmare for the Government forces, which are short of helicopters and other equipment useful in such terrain.
Unfortunately, the HOR company ran into severe design and manufacturing problems and these engines proved to be operational and maintenance nightmares.
"It has been an operational nightmare," said one contractor, who, like the other three interviewed over the last two weeks, asked not to be identified for fear of retaliation by the city.
And since a brokerage firm is often an operational nightmare, you need someone other than your broker to fight for you amid the chaos.
However, Dave's suggestions on procurement and using many small firms, would be a bureaucratic (contract processing etc) administrative, development, and operational nightmare.
But Scott P. Serota, president of the Blue Cross and Blue Shield Association, said the rules would create "an operational nightmare."
"The Taj will be a bigger operational nightmare than the others here," said Roger Wagner, president of the Claridge.