I am sending this to the 81 with highest operational priority instantly.
However, the extreme focus on nuclear propulsion plant operation and maintenance was well known during Rickover's era as a potential hindrance to balancing operational priorities.
"Afghanistan is our No. 1 operational priority," General Henault said.
In the last three months, American commanders have made curbing attacks by suicide bombers, the insurgents' most deadly weapon, their top operational priority in the war.
The report did not specify the weaknesses in the system but said improved ability to identify friends and foes, "in all warfare areas, is a high operational priority."
It is a process that forces line management to consider their operational priorities and also allows for decentralized decision-making.
To begin with, the bank' s operational priorities.
We need legislation that is clear and that identifies specific and operational priorities.
As far as our operational priorities are concerned, one has held the attention of a number of you, and it is the support that should be provided to small and medium-sized enterprises.
The third operational priority is energy and the fight against climate change.