In February 1995 a commercial alliance with Air New Zealand was signed to develop marketing, sales and operational relationships.
He is well known for his writings postulating an operational relationship between Saddam Hussein's Iraq and the al-Qaeda terrorist organization.
A contractual, formal or operational relationship with one or more science/research institutions of higher education.
"No one in my office ever claimed there was an operational relationship", Feith said.
Collect data - Collecting data where the diagram shows operational relationship.
After the war, resources were significantly reduced but during the 1920s, SIS established a close operational relationship with the diplomatic service.
Many large airlines, especially in North America, have established operational relationships with one or more regional airline companies.
But to date we have seen no evidence that these or the earlier contacts ever developed into a collaborative operational relationship.
The battle star typifies the close operational relationship between the combined arms and the Signal Corps.
We have a long-standing operational relationship with them, and they are expert at this sort of thing-more than we are, in fact.