Each will have an intel and operational section and a group of shooters and security.
Fennessy pressed for the now operational sections to be separated from the research arm.
It is now the only operational section of the Central Australia Railway.
This 50 man force was established in the early 1980s and is broken down into two operational sections and a headquarters element.
He scrolled back the page to the operational section, and noted there was some doubt whether the second hull was ever completed.
The 100-man GIS has 3 operational sections and 1 sniper/reconnaissance team.
Decisions about negotiations, notices, offensive actions and agreements are ultimately made by the members of the operational sections.
The inside track on the operational section has been removed for the electric foundations to go in place.
The remaining operational section of the line is now known as the Gainsborough Line.
Landespolizei forces are divided into the following operational sections: