The operations committee, headed by John Harrington of the Boston Red Sox, worked for the past two weeks on the replacement-player plan.
For the last year, he has been chairman of the operations committee, responsible for coordinating the day-to-day affairs of various parts of the firm.
The firm created the operations committee a year ago, and appointed the heads of the London and Tokyo offices and 10 divisions to it.
The court ruling last month inspired speculation that German prosecutors would initiate a further inquiry into the workings of the "special operations committee."
Last month, the operations committee of the Four A's and the board of the advertiser association met together for the first time, Mr. Drake said.
In two telephone conference calls, members of the 10-man operations committee discussed such issues as replacement players and ticket prices if they are used.
A seven million dollar consultant plan has been approved by the Saskatoon planning and operations committee to relocate the transit bus barns.
The barrier issue is rushed onto the agenda of the bridge's building and operations committee.
The owners' operations committee hopes to have a plan for recruitment and employment of replacement players by the end of the week.
"Uniformity is much more esthetically pleasing" says Ewen R. Gillies, co-chairman of the operations committee, who has been most involved in the project.