The system may be configured to contact designated personnel within these time limits, but operator control is not necessary to deal with the malfunction.
Since that time its facilities have only consisted of a garden bench and an operator control for the key lock.
Only the No.1 end had the operator controls.
This grants the operator additional control over the heat input into the weld, but requires significant skill to perform successfully.
A small quantity of radioactive gases from the leak were vented into the atmosphere through specially designed filters under operator control.
Since the objects being manipulated do not exist in a physical sense, the forces are generated using haptic (force generating) operator controls.
During the autonomous period, teams' robots competed for 45 seconds without operator control, relying only upon sensor input and programming to score points.
Landing can be done using a parachute or via operator control.
Also even when successful, a sudden maneuver to miss hitting the animal could still result in the operator losing control of the snowmobile.