The screen flashed up a weapons menu, requesting operator input.
"The amount of operator input has shrunk over the years."
Leyland, too, wanted to gain more operator input than had been the case with the Leyland National.
The systems overall lack of success was probably due to the amount of operator input required to successfully hit a target.
The advanced guidance system of the R-25 was automatic after launch with no further operator input.
Lastly, some regulators construct price indices of operator inputs.
In these applications, value judgments are often represented implicitly in task planning processes, or in human operator input.
As a matter of fact, I'm still on Admiral Adcock's short list for operator input.
Target threat classification is automatic and the system can be operated with little operator input, if desired.
Ensuring the safety function performs to the design intent, including under conditions of incorrect operator input and failure modes.