Even if the child is a drain on her health, and she cannot cope with it, public opinion will totally condemn her if she neglects or injures her child.
And even if the Curia sustains your claim, public opinion will condemn you.
However, public opinion had already condemned him.
The public opinion condemned Li as a traitor, and imperial officials began purposing punishing Li's family for his crime of treason.
This negative public opinion was used by the media as further proof to attack and condemn the Tangwai.
But although he made no appeals for help, public opinion, alarmed and excited, condemned the only remaining army of France, Marshal Mac-Mahon's Army of Châlons, to rescue Bazaine at all costs.
Did he not repre- sent public opinion and had not the public opinion of Winesburg condemned the Cowleys to queerness?
American public opinion, which has not blamed our Iranian disaster on the Israelis, condemns Israel's leaders for condoning if not directing the creation of an American traitor.
His opinions condemned the government and found Interior secretaries Gale Norton and Bruce Babbitt in contempt of court for their handling of the case.
Thomas E. Burman states, "from the 15th century to the present, scholarly opinion has condemned it as a loose, misleading paraphrase".