We can never be sure, he contends, that a silenced opinion does not contain some element of the truth.
The opinion contained one hint that the Federal courts may still have more to say about the census-taking debate.
Justice Carroll's detailed opinion contained the repeated refrain about his testimony, "I do not believe him."
But while the question before the court was limited to the contribution question, the various opinions today contained some intriguing tea leaves for the future.
The opinion contained the clear message that this standard could also be applied to at least some of the issues in the new case.
As handed down by the court, a decision or written opinion does not contain headnotes.
In fact, this opinion contains two serious defects.
The opinion contains two amendments proposed by me, as rapporteur.
My opinion contains a proposal for the wording of such a clause.
The opinion contains not one word of rationale for its view of the State's interest.