Crittenden's opinion was used as a precedent in similar cases by future attorneys general.
This negative public opinion was used by the media as further proof to attack and condemn the Tangwai.
Nor should my opinions be used to support discrimination against Jews or any other group.
"Is it, after thorough investigation, your professional opinion that the spear gun might have been used as a murder weapon?"
A doctor's second opinion would still be used, they explain.
This official said the court's opinion could be used as a precedent for further encroachments by the national Government over state sovereignty.
On Thursday, state regulators issued an opinion that money raised by such committees cannot be used in the recall election.
So, the expert opinion is used only to help the Commission to sort things out and to make an assessment.
The views and opinions of authors expressed within this notice shall not be used for advertising or product endorsement purposes.
After screening films, their personal opinions are used to arrive at one of five ratings.