Opiate replacement therapy has been a medical standard of treatment for opioid addiction for many years.
So how does prescription drug use turn into opioid addiction for some?
"In general, we have a pretty good handle on dealing with opioid addiction," he says.
So how does prescription painkiller abuse progress to full-blown opioid addiction?
Stressful mental health conditions like depression and anxiety also increase the risk for opioid addiction.
Making the situation worse, opioid addiction itself causes lasting changes in the parts of the brain that deal with stress.
Stress is a major stimulus for drug craving, according to people with opioid addiction.
In some cases, buprenorphine may be used as an alternative to methadone, which also is given to treat opioid addiction.
The development of Probuphine for the treatment of opioid addiction is complete.
Along with alcohol addictions, Naltrexone is also used for opioid addiction.