Hoping to influence the Danish vote, some British opponents of the treaty campaigned here, to the irritation of the Danish Government.
"One of the handicaps I have is that I'm in Washington, and my opponent is here campaigning full time."
Mr. Franjieh's opponents are campaigning to persuade deputies not to attend the legislative session Thursday.
But the merger's opponents campaigned on the argument that only Princeton Borough residents would provide the voice to preserve the town's architecture.
As a result, a powerful lever was pulled when Judge Bork's opponents campaigned on the charge that he would "turn back the clock" on civil rights.
"Our opponent has been campaigning ever since the last election, and such a grass-roots effort is a bit frightening," Mr. Sugimura said.
Nixon's opponent, George McGovern, campaigned on a platform of withdrawal from Vietnam.
In 1994, he pushed for a dues increase, but his opponents campaigned against it, and the increase was rejected by a three-to-one ratio.
But opponents have campaigned for its repeal for more than a decade.
Paul won the primary handily with nearly 80%, though his opponent campaigned on Paul's lack of support for President George W. Bush.