Even if you're euchred, opponent scores only 2 points.
They are now 0-24-1 when the opponent scores first.
The bidder scores nothing, but the opponent scores only their own points, not the total.
After an opponent scores, it is typically the point guard who brings the ball down court to begin an offensive play.
Consequently, if you score 101 runs, and your opponent scores two runs, you will lose the game 01-02.
Each player can only hit the ball three times during a volley, the fourth bounce goes right through the paddle and your opponent scores.
The good loser is recognisable as the competitor who nods with rueful admiration each time the opponent scores.
If he does not score or his opponent scores first, then the wrestler whose leg was taken to start the period is declared the winner.
Meanwhile, each opponent scores 10 points for each trick he or she takes.
A shot into the glass of the diagonally-oriented opponent scores 2 points.