The opponent stood at the front of the path, with 8 spaces between the two.
He redoubled, praying that the opponents would stand their ground, and they did.
Knees are allowed at anytime during the fight, whether the opponent is standing or on the ground.
And when an opponent stood on the foul line in the final minutes of a close game, Mahorn found another way to exert some influence.
In recent years, they have used the procedure to establish a record on how their opponents stand on contested issues.
Once a fighter has been knocked down, the opponent stands by the referee during the 10 count.
If you can name something, get that name to stick and therefore define how people think about an issue, your opponents don't stand a chance.
His opponents stood clearly identified, by their own wish.
The additional element of ambiguity enters in when the opponent stands to lose material.
Quick draw is a simple game played where two opponents stand from 7-10 feet apart.