As the opponents withdrew from the plain, the cost of battle could clearly be seen.
His only opponent, Sterling Campbell, withdrew before voting took place.
Despite this, he is assigned to the Enlightenment when his opponent suddenly withdraws from the challenge.
His onetime opponents withdrew too late to get their delegates off the ballot.
In the second round his opponent withdrew from elections, and Hrynov obtained 75.64%.
Moscoe chose to run for a seat on the new council, and was declared elected when his only opponent withdrew one day after nominations closed.
In July 2007 he recorded his 600th career win, which came by default when his opponent withdrew.
His opponent, Christian Hansen, withdrew from the race late in the election season.
In the period of command confusion, however, the crew of Virginia believed that their opponent had withdrawn.
The sister tandem won both their semi-final and final matches by seeing their opponents withdraw before a point was played.