Additional examples are adjusted to the entries in an automated way - we cannot guarantee that they are correct.
He had not thought his chance would come so opportunely.
One that would have cost me dearly had not you come to my aid so opportunely.
The young men congratulated themselves on having arrived so opportunely.
Finally, some of Charles's own intrigues opportunely came to light.
But here is a young man who arrives very opportunely to hear me."
We have found them very opportunely to renew our provisions!"
Captains and kings had died too opportunely, with no other explanation.
She began well, thanks to a silent reminder that came to her unexpectedly, but most opportunely.
"But how did you manage to arrive so opportunely?"
But opportunely for himself Phil looked behind him.
When we had so opportunely arrived, though, Jocasta had hit upon a better plan.
This judgment awaited direction, and the known outrage seemed so opportunely to afford it!
The legionaries, opportunely returning from a practice march, had foiled that.
Then the woman very opportunely found another five-cent piece stored away in the corner of her pocket.
His companions needed no urging forward now; this tree, so opportunely discovered, they must reach at all hazards.
"I have decided," said the harbor master, "there will be no fee, since you and he came so opportunely together to my office.
I must say she has arrived very opportunely."
Major Wilbraham saw for the first time who it was he had rescued so opportunely.
This Ah Kim just happened to drift in most opportunely yesterday.
Our traders would come opportunely to the rescue.
The sanctions, however, were opportunely used by Saddam Hussein to boost his popularity.
They were all there, opportunely including Bill Lawrence.
How had the Delta Force team crossed the blizzard to arrive so opportunely?
She paused, and then opportunely her stomach growled.
How opportunely had it dropped, after all?