"trafny" in inglés — Polish-inglés dictionary | Mirar "trafny" in Polish


  1. accurate **
    • celny, trafny (np. spostrzeżenie)
      Her accurate observation has made me change my mind.
      She always makes accurate observations.
  2. pertinent
  3. apt *
  4. shrewd
    • trafny (o decyzji, spostrzeżeniu), słuszny (o domyśle)
  5. on point
  6. incisive
  7. pithy
  8. opportune
  9. well-chosen  
  10. felicitous literary
  11. apposite
  12. well-based
  13. spot-on
  14. seasonable
  15. well-fitting
  1. on the money , right on the money
  1. on the mark
  2. right on the button

"trafny" — Collocation dictionary inglés

on point collocation
More popular variant: on the point
  1. on preposición + point sustantivo = celny, trafny, w punkt, idealny, bezbłędny
    Strong collocation

    He turned toward me and seemed on the point of saying something.

    Similar collocations:
on the mark collocation
  1. on preposición + mark sustantivo = trafny, w dziesiątkę
    normal collocation

    The report turned out to be right on the mark.

    Similar collocations:
on the money collocation
More popular variant: on money
  1. on preposición + money sustantivo = trafny, akuratny, właściwy, słuszny
    normal collocation

    She was right on the money, every step of the way.

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